Layer Cake
Utilize long-range Brawlers for bush control: Due to the layout of bushes in the map, Brawlers like Piper and Brock can excel in controlling the map and dealing damage. Piper's Ambush Star Power can be particularly effective when utilizing the bushes for surprise attacks. Use their range advantage to poke enemies from a safe distance and maintain control over the map.
Destroy enemy walls for better positioning: The clumps of walls on the enemy team's side can provide cover and make it difficult for your team to push forward. Focus on destroying these walls to open up the map and gain better positioning. This will make it easier to pressure the enemy team and prevent them from regenerating health.
Sneak into enemy bushes for surprise attacks: Take advantage of the clumps of bushes on the enemy team's side and try to sneak into them without being noticed. This will allow you to catch opponents off guard and secure easy eliminations. Coordinate with your teammates to create distractions or draw the enemy's attention away from their bushes.
Jessie's control in the center: Jessie's bouncing shots can be effective in controlling the center of the map due to the layer divisions. Her shots can hit multiple enemies and provide area denial. Position yourself strategically to maximize the coverage of her shots and prevent enemies from approaching the center.
Push the enemy team to their last layer: Aim to push the enemy team back to their last layer to gain control over their movements. By forcing them into a defensive position, you can pick them off individually and apply pressure to their safe. Coordinate with your teammates and make use of the map's layout to corner the enemy team.
Utilize throwers for area control: Dynamike, Barley, Tick, and Sprout are great choices for Layer Cake due to their ability to control the map and block off chokepoints. Use their main attacks to shower projectiles between the layers and limit enemy movement. Focus on area denial and positioning to gain an advantage over the enemy team.
Mortis as a counterpick: Mortis can act as a counter against the throwers on this map. Use Mortis to pressure the enemy team and force them to retreat. Most throwers will struggle to defend themselves against Mortis, making him a valuable pick in certain situations.
Penny's control with her cannon: Penny's cannon can provide significant control on Layer Cake. Place her cannon behind the clumps of walls near the center to make it difficult for enemies to destroy it. This will allow your team to maintain control and create pressure on the enemy team.
Mr. P's wall piercing attacks: Mr. P's main attack can pierce through walls, making him a useful choice for attacking enemies hiding behind cover. Properly position Mr. P and use his Super to disrupt the enemy team's movements and create chaos.
Utilize Surge's offensive capabilities: Surge can be a powerful offensive Brawler on this map. His Power Surge Gadget allows him to teleport through obstacles, making it easier to eliminate enemies and charge his Super. Use Surge's versatility and offensive capabilities to put pressure on the enemy team.
Avoid getting pushed back into spawn: Being pushed back into your spawn area can be detrimental on Layer Cake. It allows the enemy team to gain control of the center and spawn trap your team. Maintain map control, coordinate with your teammates, and prevent being pushed back into your spawn area.
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